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I'm Running My First Ever Comedy Gig For Charity!

I've always been a huge fan of comedy, especially the local comedy scene here in NI. So I thought I'd try running a gig myself while helping a great cause at the same time.

I think everyone has known someone who has suffered from Cancer; a horrible disease that plagues too many peoples lives. 

For me it was my father & uncle who have battled Prostate Cancer within the last few years.

1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer in their lifetime & for a 25-year-old man who's father has already had & beaten the disease, I am at greater risk of getting it at some stage.

Prostate Cancer progresses very slowly & silently. You can live decades without realising you have been living with the disease hence getting checked more regularly becomes a greater necessity.

So why run a comedy gig? Well, I love comedy & have met some great people within the industry in the last year. Whether that has been interviewing them or just meeting them at gigs, you will struggle to find a more together & helpful group of professionals let alone comic scenes.

You can actually read my interviews with the nights comics here on my site (Sorry Sean I will be interviewing yourself when the interviews come back!).

Without these comedians helping a great cause like Prostate Cancer UK this event wouldn't have been able to get off the ground. Literally not one of the comedians I had asked said no or really thought about it which just goes to show how generous they all are with there time & I am very grateful for this.

The lineup on the 8th Feb 2025 is one of the best lineups you'll see across the NI's comedy scene!

Who are the Comedians on the lineup?

James McKegney

James was the first comedian I had ever interviewed. It's not often you have a local guy become a standup comic & to see him do so well for himself I was just intrigued to get to hear how he started out etc.

I didn't initially intend to continue interviewing comedians but after that first one & how easy/natural it felt I thought why not?

James has started to see more & more success in the last year having supported Shane Todd & Foy Vance both at The Grand Opera House.

You may also recognise James across social media whether it's appearing on: the Tea With Me Podcast, Cork in The North Podcast, his very own Absolutely Shafted Podcast with his cousin Aaron Martin, maybe as a Priest alongside William Thompson at Pride or one of his many sketch characters.

The Maghera-man also co-runs The Terrace Laughs Comedy Club with Fintan Harvey in Magherafelt & it is one of the best nights craic you'll get, especially here in Mid-Ulster!

Luke McGibbon

NI's most unsung comedian who's finally starting to build more of a name for himself not just help build the names of others.

Luke has been the man giving most comedians on the scene today one of their first breaks - having ran Monday night comedy at the Pavilion for more than a decade.

Luke is doing his own show in The Black Box this December if you fancy catching him live before our night in Feb!

The hilariously witty comedian as seen on many podcasts online including his very own 'good while it Lasted Podcast' with fellow comedian Ciaran Franco so make sure to also check that out too!

Sean McAleavey

Sean is not only a great MC but great comic too. You'll find him all across the country but mainly at Maddens Bar where he owns & MC's the 'Our Wee Comedy Club'.

The comedy club is a great way to get new stand-ups into the ever-growing NI scene which is one of the best in the world. Sean offers people the chance to give it a go with a mix of already established names to give it a unique & intriguing night of comedy.

The Down man is also the cohost of the 'Tell You What Podcast' with fellow comic, Talal Jomar, where they chew the fat about their week, the news & more.

Alan Irwin

A comedian who is finally starting to get the attention they deserve is Alan Irwin. He is just off the back of his sold out debut show 'Alan Irwin Grow Up' this year at the Sunflower Comedy Club & supporting both Shane Todd & Mickey Bartlett on tour.

Alan's another comic who runs their own unique gig in Belfast with the Kill Your Darling's comedy gig with fellow comic & mate, Ronan Linskey. 'KYD' challenges the scenes best comics to perform all new material & better yet is topped off by Alan & Ronan serenading the crowd out to some karaoke. What's not to like? 

Every time I have saw Alan he has smashed it & you'll want to go see him again & again after this gig!

Dave Elliott

Dave Elliott is one of the biggest names in NI Comedy!

Whether it's on the hugely successful BBC series 'Blue Lights' or his well known 'Sly Guy' Podcast you will have seen Davey's face on your screens before.

When he's not being seen on screen he's selling out shows on stage. He has recently finished his hugely successful 'Roleplay' tour & supported the likes of Foy Vance at the Grand Opera House.

His quick wittedness lends himself to be the perfect choice for radio, podcast appearances or just crowd interactions on stage.

Having seen him live multiple times he never fails to deliver & is a joy to watch someone who's mastered his craft on stage.

Important Information

All proceeds will go to Prostate Cancer UK!

The show is on Saturday 8th of Feb, 2025. So get it saved in the diary!

You can get your tickets on Eventbrite Here! or click the button below! ⬇️